Post Memorial Day

CommonWheels Late May Newsletter

Folks! Hope everybody is staying safe and getting outside now that the weather is beautiful out! We think it's certainly a great time to dust off that bike in the basement, and we're here to help. Our very own Tristan ran their first FB Live video a week ago covering the ABC's of bike maintenance, or Air, Brakes, and Chain maintenance. If you have further questions about getting your bike in shape, we're hosting another FB Live video this Sunday (5/31) at 1pm to help launch our #RepairMatch service.

We'd also like to take this time to ask you folks to help us promote biking in Boston. All we want is for you to take a selfie of you and your bike ride and tag us on social media! We'd love to spread people's bike stories, so absolutely @commonwheels on your platform of choice and let's share all our socially distant rides as we adventure in this wonderful weather.

That being said, we'd like to take a second to highlight some of your neighbors who have been helping us with our food insecurity campaign! 

Operation #Wheels4Meals

As you all know, CommonWheels has been working hard during this lockdown to help support our neighbors and we are so very proud of everybody who has volunteered. As of today, we've done 218 deliveries since we launched in March, bringing over 4,000lbs of food to homebound residents of Allston-Brighton. We wanted to highlight a few of our volunteers, because one of the things we're most proud of about #Wheels4Meals is how human it is. We're all just neighbors helping each other, and with this lockdown, we can't think of a better way to stay connected to others. So with no further ado: 
This is Rani, one of our wonderful volunteers who's been delivering with panniers. In her own words: "Rani earned how to ride a bike about three years ago and has fallen in love with the feeling of freedom, the adventures, and the Boston bike community. She now spends most of her free time advocating for safer streets for pedestrians and cyclists and better public transportation, or going on long rides trying to get lost in the woods"
Max here is an old friend of CommonWheels. He headlined one of our Musical Mystery rides a few years ago with one of the most unique and interesting uses of a digeridoo, a looper, and the Harvard Coliseum. He's a pedicabber, community activist, and a whole lot more and we at CW are grateful he's stuck around!
Pre COVID, if you were looking for Christian, all you had to do was wait somewhere in the vicinity of Fenway Park during a game day.  Not only is he loud and annoying, but he's really slow, so it's more or less impossible to miss the spectacle of this energetic, wonderful human being. He's fiercely passionate about community work and bicycles and through his org, TrikeHub he's also been working hard on trying to use bikes to solve the myriad problems of a coronavirus world.

#RepairShare: CW's remote open shop initiative

The other exciting thing we wanted to talk about was our new #RepairShare program. We're trying our best to get Open Shops running, but fo the meantime we're debuting #RepairShare to help you folks fix your bikes. We will be running a Facebook Live event 5/31 at 1pm until 3pm where we'll be doing remote diagnosis of bike problems. So feel free to pop in with your questions, and we'll do our best to guide you through the process! Our COVID bike resource has a detailed listing of bike shop hours and a few repair guides to help you through the process. Come hang out with us on FBLive on Sunday, we'd love to have you!
CommonWheels runs on donations from our community, and while we know times are tough for many of us, we'd appreciate anything you fine folks could spare to help us keep #Wheels4Meals and #RepairShare rolling. The easiest way to donate is directly on our homepage and it only takes a minute or two. Help us help our neighbors!